Flooding at the allotments

Dear All,

I attach photos of the terrible flooding we are experiencing again at the allotments. This is caused by flood water from Ham Hall Lane not draining properly, flooding the cricket pitch, tennis courts and the allotments.

Last year I attended a meeting with the Parish Council, highways and interested parties to discuss the flooding issue and sadly a year on we are experiencing the same issue again. I have written to the parish council on your behalf, to determine what progress has been made and what has been done to tackle this flooding problem. I have also discussed the issue with Scruton cricket club, who hope to be able to resolve the issue.

If you feel strongly about the closure of Ham Hall lane and the flooding of the allotments I would urge you to write to the Parish Council. I attach the email address of Chris Barron the clerk to the Parish Council ronald.barron@btinternet.com

I donโ€™t think we will see an improvement until we get some drier and warmer weather, but I look forward to the days when we can get gardening again.

Best Wishes Chris


  1. richard on January 30, 2021 at 11:17 am

    Maybe we could start planting rice?

    • Chris Snell on January 31, 2021 at 3:58 pm

      I’m hoping it won’t look like a paddy field all year !

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