Tidying up with grass rake

Clearup Day 2021

The annual end of season clean-up which has been booked in for Saturday, 13 November.  It has had to be programmed in later than we would have wanted due to what has just happened and our own personal availability.  It will, as usual focus mainly on the hedges, both inside the plots and outside including the one running along the side of the allotments between us, the tennis courts and the cricket field as far back as the allotments go.  If therefore you have half an hour to spare before the 13th could you trim the hedge which abuts your own plot, this will reduce the burden on the 13th especially if the weather is somewhat inclement!!


Nov 13 2021


10:00 am - 3:00 pm


Scruton Allotments
Station Road, Scruton, Northallerton, UK



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