Health & Safety

All activities carry an element of risk and allotment gardening is no exception. Everyone needs to take health and safety seriously but it is also important not to become ‘litigation paranoid’. Good gardening is safe gardening, and many risks to both ourselves and others can be easily prevented.

Advice for Plot-holders

  • It is recommended that, particularly at quiet times, plot-holders inform someone where they are, and their likely return time.
  • Plot-holders should ensure that their plot and associated accesses are free from hazard: hazards may include sharp edges, exposed nails, improperly stored tools, hazards hidden within undergrowthsuch as discarded tools, improperly stored dangerous materials such as those listed below. Please remember that we are legally responsible for the safety of anybody who may enter our plots.
  • Plot-holders must acquaint themselves with, and adhere strictly to, the guidelines regarding storage, usage and disposal of hazardous materials such as glass, pesticides, fertilisers, asbestos cement, oil, and fuel. These must be securely stored in the proper containers, and well away from possible reach by children.
  • Pilot-holders should acquaint themselves with the safe use, and storage, of tools, particularly power tools. And where necessary wear suitable personal protective equipment.
  • Plot-holders should be vigilant for rats, rabbits and other vermin, and inform a member of the Committee if evidence of vermin Is observed so that collective action can be taken.

For further information about the responsibilities of the Association and plot-holders you must read read our Health & Safety Policy.